Marvelous! By Matthew M. Price

Celebrate the timeless euphoria of spring


Available April 2024

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About Price Family Books

Healing isn't going to happen on a global stage but inside of our homes.

What that means is healing is up to us. We keep waiting for the world to change instead of ever stopping to ask if we're the ones who need to change first.

When you look through the Bible and read testimonies of old, you'll meet powerful men and women with a heart of responsibility, not men and women full of blame. Instead of staying mad at the world, they looked at their own life, took hold of their emotions, and became responsible, and the miraculous happened all on its own.

You see, we are co-laborers with Christ, co-heirs of the Kingdom. But to receive and activate the anointing of a relationship, we must act like we're in one, do our part, and participate in love.

What are we waiting for?

Another politician or pastor that's going to fix us all? We've become busybodies and are our worst distraction from the Truth. This world would look different if we lived honest lives and pure, undiluted Truth. So, instead of looking to others, let's look at ourselves and Christ in those around us. When we choose to see differently, I bet the world around us changes, too.

Where to start?

So, I just mentioned God. That seems overwhelming, right? Well, it should be! But I urge you to consider what you think about God because you can handle that thought in life, and it's more productive than how you have been thinking.

Knowingly or unknowingly, most of what you believe about God comes from how you think about Him. So, do you think He's good?

Take your time answering. God isn't as impressed with what you said as much as your honesty and why you said it. If we stop walking on religious eggshells and get serious about what we think, we would feel better and see clearly, and God would be more comfortable and authentic than overwhelming and aloof.

There is no distance between God and man, so if you feel a distance, be the one to take the first step toward His heart and see what happens.

That's the heart behind these books and media.

These books, this music, and our community are only here to plant a seed and give your mind a better diet, helping you think along the right path and helping you see that everything He promised us is real.

We don't have all the answers, but we know where to find them. We welcome you to join us as we take responsibility and obey what Jesus has already asked us to do: dwell together in unity and love.